MyMac Podcast 564: Where are the Pros from Dover

Gaz is out this episode watching cars go really fast so Guy brings in Gary “Dr. Dream” Apter, a long time listener to the MyMac Podcast and many others. They talk a bit more about the events in Chicago, what they did in tech recently, and then a bit about whether Apple seems to be ignoring Pro users and why. Also why does iTunes and iOS devices not agree on how much storage is available. Gary thinks it’s a potentially serious problem and Guy seems confused. Well no change there.

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Guy’s App Pick: Zombieville USA by Mika Mobile. .99 cents in the iOS app store. Side scroller with varied weapons and characters. You never really win, it’s pretty much see how far you can get before being chomped for the last time.
Gaz’s App Pick: Cars are racing! Don’t bother me about app picks!
Gary’s App Pick: GasBuddy app for iOS Offers reports on fuel prices. Sort by local or some location you might be traveling to. I used this on my trip to Mac Stock. A quick look and I could see the going rates wherever I was. I’ve also set my ‘favorites’ for when I’m home.

MyMac Podcast 563: LIVE! From Barry’s House

Faucets! BBQ! Kittehs! The after party from Barry Fulk’s house from Macstock 2015 was amazing! So many people there and even severe thunderstorms and heavy rain couldn’t dampen (see what I did there?) people’s spirits. The GMen have a talk with lots of people and a particularly long conversation with Pilot Pete from the awesome Mac Geek Gab and then they not only lose control of the show, they weren’t even there! Big thanks to Barry and his wife Bobbi for allowing the whole gang in. I’m sure Barry will pay and pay dearly for all this.

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:
Midwest Mac BBQ GoFundMe link

MyMac Podcast 562: LIVE! From Macstock 2015

A historical event! Or maybe hysterical. Guy and Gaz do a podcast together…uh…together for the very first time at Macstock 2015. A few guests, a lot of laughs, and frankly it’s just the beginning as next week’s show will be from the Midwest Mac BBQ which was completely off the hook! Or whatever the kids say now.

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:
Midwest Mac BBQ GoFundMe link

Guy’s App Pick: No pic this week
Gaz’s App Pick: No pic here either

MyMac Podcast 561: It’s no WWDCCCZZZCCC

No Guy as he’s off in Florida doing things a man his age should know better than doing. Gaz carries on with James Turner (of fame) and they talk about the just past WWDC (yawn!) and James Turner’s setup.

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:
Midwest Mac BBQ GoFundMe link

Guy’s App Pick: The fact that he isn’t here should be enough 🙂
Gaz’s App Pick: Actually the Maps app on my phone helped us out several times and the more I use it the more I find it as good as any other mapping app I’ve used.
Jame’s App Pick: Livescribe+  (works with iPhone 4S, iPad 3 and higher) App is free, pen is £129 on Amazon uk (I got mine for under £110).

MyMac Podcast 560: Wandom Wooties Dwibble Cocktails

OK a silly title for a silly show. However if you think about how that title MAY fit in with a event that could be taking place (or may have already taken place by the time you hear this) then it all makes sense! Well, not really but the GMen talk about about the upcoming (to them) WWDC, the Macstock Expo, the Midwest Mac BBQ, and so much more.

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:
Midwest Mac BBQ GoFundMe link

Guy’s App Pick: A TOTAL cheat but I’m picking Keynote by Apple. $19.99
Gaz’s App Pick: Online Ordnance Survey Mapping UK Users only. (Well any relevance anyway) 1 month subscription £7.99, 3 month £15.95 12 month £19.99 or auto renew subscription £17.95 per year.
People’s Pick: Allister Jenks AeroWeather Pro by Lakehorn AG
As an aviation enthusiast Allister loves many things about this app, but if you live near an airport this app (the pro version) offers a really good Today widget to show current weather conditions.
Note, not all airports publish their info so your mileage may vary, but the USA and UK seem well represented. If anyone wants to know if their local is represented, just ask and he will look it up.

MyMac Podcast 559: Sir Jonny’s now a Chief

Jonny Ive is a chef at Apple! Wait, not chef…Chief! There it is. He’s Chief Design Officer with all the new responsibilities that come with that long distinguished office! Well, hasn’t been around THAT long, and he’s still doing pretty much what he was doing before so what’s up with that? The Gmen break it down and promise to fix it later. The Macstock Expo is on the way and get $10 off the already silly price of $69 with this code, MyMac10Off and send Guy an email for the chance to win a free Expo pass!

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast
Macstock Conference and Expo
Guy’s App Pick: Backgammon from GrowlyBird Software. FREE!
Gaz’s App Pick: Chemist by THIX £3.99 $4.99
People’s Pick: From Serenak, less pick, more “could be good” – iPhoto replacement that looks very good and several others and all free

MyMac Podcast 557: It’s a short one

Gaz is feeling right! Guy is, well, Guy so we all know how that usually works out. They have a great second section topic is which they talk about whether or not Apple doesn’t seem all that concerned about their high-end users. The Macstock Expo is on the way and get $10 off the already silly price of $69 with this code, MyMac10Off

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:

Guy’s App Pick: Podtrans by imobie. Need to transfer a lot of content from an iPod or iPhone that you don’t have synced through iTunes? Podtrans works easily and is free for just transferring stuff. Need more functionaility? There’s a pro version that also does conversion and a few other tricks
Gaz’s App Pick: With the usual caveats that come along with an Angry Birds title I’ve found myself playing the series again, but one that I didn’t have was Angry Birds Star Wars II

MyMac Podcast 556: Macstock 2015

Because we haven’t talked about it enough, Gaz and Guy devote the entire second section of the show to the Macstock Conference and Expo which is taking place on June 20th in Woodstock, Illinois. This is followed by them also talking about the Midwest Mac BBQ taking place on the same day. They MUST be sick or something. Hang on a moment…they were! However in a moment of lucidity, they’ve included a great recording of Gaz’s daughter Sarah singing at the end of the show.

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:

Guy’s App Pick: itubedownloader from Alpha Software. Download quickly and easily any YouTube video with this app. $4.99
Gaz’s App Pick: Radiation Island: Not one of the best Survival sims you’ll find and I think this has been transferred from a version on the iPad, graphics could do with a tweak but overall I’m had fun playing this one, 2.99$ or 2.29£


MyMac Podcast 555: iLife 15

LOT’S of links this week because Gaz and Guy are talking about the NEW iLife 15 or would if it actually existed. It doesn’t, but they talk about programs that you can use that does most of the same stuff and in some cases even more. Guy almost lets his Drobo get the better of him (like that’s really hard) and Gaz is about ready to kill whoever signed off on the Photos app. Well, perhaps maim a little bit.

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:
iLife-like apps: Must be easy to use, under $100, not in beta
Continue reading

MyMac Podcast 554: BIG news

Gaz and Guy are back this week with special guest Mike Potter of the For Mac Eyes Only Podcast. They’re all about the upcoming Macstock Conference and Expo on June 20th in Woodstock, Illinois. Guy has a presentation scheduled and for the first time ever, Gaz and Guy will meet and do a podcast from the conference!

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:

Guy’s App Pick : Extraction from Chillingo $2.99 with in app purchases for those not patient enough to work through the game.
Gaz’s Pick:  Free, simple and life-saving. Know what to do in an emergency with the British Red Cross’ official first aid app. With videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice, it’s never been easier to know first aid.

MyMac Podcast 553: Just a Quick One

No Gaz this week as he deals with some family stuff (don;t worry, he’s OK), but Guy is joined by Peter Bird of the Deeper Look Podcast and they have a nice chat about why Guy is SO tired, WWDC,your thoughts, and feedback! So much cool stuff that it couldn’t be contained! Well, it was and all within this show

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Resolving Finder Problems in OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite | OSXDaily
In case you get this bug too.
Guy’s App Pick : Easy Envelope from Ambrosia Software $9.99
Peter Bird’s App Pick: Photos for OSX Free with 10.10.3 Peter78@twitter

MyMac Podcast 552: A million Apple Servers screamed, and then were silent

Remember how last week it was a short show? This week, not so much. Guy really likes Photos from OS X 10.10.3, but Gaz hasn’t yet pulled the trigger. But Gaz HAS seen an Apple Watch and Guy hasn’t which makes him a jealous boy. They also talk about the Star Wars movies now in iTunes, MacBooks, and how PC sales seem to keep falling as Mac sales go up. Weird.

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Mac BBQ:
Guy’s App Pick : Tomb Raider by Feral Interactive. $39.99 on the Mac App Store though I picked it up for half price during a special.
Gaz’s Pick: Accountz £39.00
People’s Pick: Allister Jenks: Oh, and no people’s pick? I don’t recall hearing my mention of MindNode.

MyMac Podcast 551: April Fools!

A short show this week recorded early (actually on April Fools day) with not much going on. Guy helps his brother Bill, the Maltese Cube script is complete, and Mike Potter of the For Mac Eyes Only podcast asks Guy to possibly put together a talk for a mini-conference while he’s at the Mid West Mac BBQ in June. WHAT was he thinking?

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For Mac Eyes Only podcast

Guy’s App Pick : Moonlight Mahjong by Midnight Martian 99 cents
Gaz’s Pick: Find the Easter Bunny, it’s free
OK OK how about a sort of Flappy bird type side scroller Yes then go for Mr Jump

MyMac Podcast 550: TV and Bumpers

Yes, FINALLY Gaz and Guy get to all the great bumpers you people made and pick their favorites. They give a bit on the AppleTV and potential changes for everyone (eventually) in picking the shows and channels you watch, and Guy gets a Drobo while Gaz is done moving his pics around.

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Mac BBQ:
Guy’s App Pick : Transmit by Panic software $34
Gaz’s Pick: BBC iPlayer Radio App

MyMac Podcast 548: Best of the MyMac Podcast 1-100

Gaz and Guy are doing Allison Sheridan’s NosillaCast Podcast for her this week so we’re bringing you something special! It’s the Best of the MyMac Podcast shows 1-100 and there’s some great stuff here. There’s the original MyMac Podcast theme, Tim and Chad talking about the OTHER podcast that has MyMac in its name, also them talking about the Motorola ROKR phone, and Sgt Perry makes his first appearance insisting Mac users install Window XP without protection. After that it’s Tim and Chad’s interview with Dr. Gil Amelio former CEO of Apple. In the last segment we’ve got an early bumper by David Cohen, one of the last Dashboard Minutes by Guy, John Parr singing about what makes the Mac great for him, Tim and Guy alive at the Grand Rapids Apple Store, and lastly a Dashboard Minute with Guy (not surprisingly) screwing up.

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MyMac Podcast 524: Bend it like Beckham

Melissa Davis takes a chance in joining the GMen for an episode. Many tried to warn her against it, but she just didn’t believe them. They have a long talk about iPhone bending as well as iCloud issues, Family Sharing SNAFU’s, and general all around recent Apple problems. Doesn’t sound like much fun, but they manage to turn every issue into rainbows and sunshine! Well, they laughed a lot about it anyway.

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Guy’s App Pick: VideoGIF from PearlMountain Technology. $4.99 in the Mac App Store. Trim existing video or create your own with your webcam. Add text, determine how long you want it to be and post it in you favorite social media sites.
Gaz’s App Pick: Couch to 5K. Want to start running, want to back back into running well this podcast, Mrs G has found it great to get into some running with out making it a chore.
Mellisa’s App Pick: “How To Make An iPhone Wallet
NewerTech NuGuard KX
iROO Pouch
People’s Pick:
From Erick Diaz: Asphalt 8 free with in-app purchases, and takes advantage of all the latest graphics. Looks like a console game on iOS.

MyMac Podcast 523: Sad Face

The sound is good, the time is right, but it’s still the same GMen. Messages somehow confuses my son Peter AND Dave Hamilton for Apple. Yeah, I don’t get it either. The GMen are back to using Google Docs because Apple’s Pages and iCloud is completely hosed and they have a discussion about the many missteps lately from everyone’s (or maybe a few people anyway) favorite electronics company.

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Guy’s App Pick: Time Machine. For probably the first time ever, a file got lost for me. It was a Canon MTS MPEG file that I tried to convert using a different program. Not only did it NOT convert, it made the file disappear. Time Machine went back in time (without those pesky morlocks) and put it back.
Gaz’s App Pick: ANTI PICK DON’T USE ICLOUD IT’S BIG FAIL 🙁 OK that was because I’m upset I recently bought a pinball game for the iPad called PINBALL HD costs £1.49 and there are further in app purchases for more boards, this gives you 3 open boards but does give you access to a restricted board where you’ll need to buy the inApp purchase to access full functionality

MyMac Podcast 522: Shawn King just takes the fun out of everything

Guy can’t leave well enough alone and has (yet again) changed his recording setup. This was nearly a disaster which means that even MORE changes are afoot (so give him a hand…gold clap). Shawn King comes on to talk to the GMen about all the new Apple stuff, the death of Macworld as a print magazine, and Canadian Football…wait really?

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Guy’s App Pick: Netflix app for iOS
Gaz’s Pick: Wind Tunnel Pro
People’s Pick Mini Review: From Michael Cassel
Logitech Rechargeable Trackpad for Mac
It’s flat.
Supports all Apple gestures etc.
Slightly larger surface area.
As sensitive as the Apple version
May appear to be slightly less sensitive – but it isn’t

Simply in terms of the angle alone he prefers this to my Apple trackpad. All the functionality is there too.

MyMac Podcast 521: Breaking through the iClouds

Gaz and Guy talk about Apple’s iCloud nude celebrity problems and strangely enough, no one broke into THEIR iCloud accounts looking for naked pictures of the GMen. Bud Lite’s Real Men of Whatever ads make a horrible warbly comeback and you guys put a ton of stuff into the MyMac Podcast G+ page. It’s Guy’s Birthday on the announcement of Apple’s new iStuff and Guy finally gives up and switches to mostly hardware to record the podcast with hilarious results that you won’t find out about until next week…if he remembers to talk about it then.

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Guy’s App Pick: Image Capture by Apple FREE! Have a scanner or camera that you JUST can’t get to communicate easily. Chances are whatever driver was included is garbage. Remember to try Apple’s built-in Image Capture as it will provide basic functionality for practically everything out there.
Gaz’s Pick: Was looking around the Mac App store, as there are times I’d like a Lightroom or Aperture type application to adjust some of my RAW photo’s that perhaps deserve a little more love and more to the point selective editing, I came across what looks like a pretty good alternative, normally 40GBP’s but is currently free in the Mac App store, well it was over the weekend of the 6th and 7th Sep, I hope it’s still free by the time you all hear this.