MyMac Podcast 731: Apple didn’t respond to a request for comment

Well they certainly wouldn’t respond to THIS show! Gaz is away and Karl Madden joins Guy which is a good thing because he had all KINDS of issues…tech related. Thought I better throw that in there.

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Guy’s Pick: mimoLive by Boinx ($199 for 1 year/$399 for 3 years)

Gaz’s Pick: None, he’s away silly

Karl’s Pick: Ferrite, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 729: Touch who needs it

Gaz’s iPhone XR shows up and he likes it but thinks his wife and Lil Gaz will believe it’s too big because size matters. Guy leaves stuff behind, not like anything bad like you should, but valuable stuff because he’s dumb sometimes. Lot’s of Apple stories and they enjoyed it SO much, they recorded it three times! OK, that part they didn’t enjoy.

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Guy’s Pick: Audio Hijack by Rogue Amoeba. I use it all the time

Gaz’s Pick: Can’t believe I’m saying this Outlook for IOS, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 728: More baking, less making

Guy is still sick, but it’s adding a certain level of…Guy still being sick. Gaz fixes his mouse and Mac App Store, and the two of them talk about all kinds of Apple and Mac stuff…because that’s what they do.

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Thanks to MacJim and a link to fix my right-click!
Also a link to fix my weird trackpad
And now MyMac’s Magic Mouse works again 🙂

Guy’s Pick: Want an audio recording app with some great built-in features? Spreaker Studio which is free has not only up to four available audio in sources, it also has built-in sound effects and a way to create auto-playing playlists and intro music/outro music. If you sign up for their hosting service you can also get support for chat rooms and other features, but I like the stand-alone recording app.

Gaz’s Pick: PAKO Car chase games from tree men games they have some which are ad supported and some that are £1.99, good short good fun, you have to evade being chased in other cars there are power ups and different cars once you get past certain levels, good fun., MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 727: Plausible Deniability

Guy is not feeling well and he’s a miserable person when that happens, but it leads to hilarious hijinks! Gaz finally gets an answer from 1Password, but it’s almost indecipherable. And naturally all the usual nonsense you’ve come to expect from the GMen.

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Guy’s Pick: The way cool transcription of audio phone messages in iOS.

Gaz’s Pick: Rings IOS Game, be warned this is a real time suck, you have been warned!
Free to try £1.99 to clear the ads., MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 726: Watchtastic

And he’s back yep Karl again steps in to help out as Guy is away sunning himself on his private island retreat that he’s purchased after winning the lottery.

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Guy’s Pick: He’s away of course there’s no pick 🙂

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Skype……. Yep it had to be it’s the Apple Watch 

Karl’s Pick: HeartWatch £/$ 2.99 

Contact Info:, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

Karl over at

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MyMac Podcast 725: Watch this Space

Gaz makes a big purchase and you’ll NEVER guess what it is based on the title for this podcast! And sure they talk about other stuff too because they have to fill an hour SOMEHOW, but that BIG purchase…it’s a mystery!

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Guy’s Pick: Filmic Pro by FiLMiC Inc. $14.99

Gaz’s Pick: Planet Arts Freeprints Photobooks  Free Stuff Ha

Contact Info:, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 723: So no new Macs…OK

New Apple iPhones and a watch and nary a Mac in sight. Karl Madden from the Mac and Forth podcast joins Gaz and Guy to talk about and listen to Guy whine…I mean speak intelligently about this sad state of affairs.

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Guy’s Pick: Ferraro by Rogue Amoeba

Gaz’s Pick: Photos great app whether on your IOS or Mac devices.

Karl’s Pick: TouchRetouch – Adva-Soft £/$ 1.99 – 

Contact Info:, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 721: Watch my Rounders

After a week off for REALLY good reasons (really they were!), the GMen are fresh and ready to go as usual! So, Guy is particularly manic and Gaz is doing his level best to keep him in check which nearly always sometimes never works! They talk a bit about the upcoming event, walking holidays, amusement parks, weddings and a few other things including waffles.

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Guy’s Pick: Don’t be an ass, get Donut Country and be the hole you always wanted to be!  $4.99 Also Dave Grohl’s Play in iTunes

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Airport Express Go Man
Colin Furze Spinning Belt of Knives

Contact Info:, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 720: Casty Cast Cast

Guy can’t talk like Arnold without going all French on everyone, Gaz is out of his bedroom, and of somewhat lesser importance some kid hacked Apple and grabbed lots of stuff.

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Guy’s Pick: Textlicious by Delicious Monster Software $1.99 Tired of the same old boring text? Textlicious will take text from practically anywhere and make it fun with circles and strikes, italics and bold, and so much more.

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Mini Metro   £4.99

Contact Info:, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 719: Mally Malware is a bad clown!

Hang overs, feeling weirdly normal, and pantomiming River Dances is all part and parcel of this week’s show where apparently they also talk about something serious like malware. Can you sing one song to the tune of another? Harder than it sounds, but is hilarious.

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Guy’s Pick: Looking for a good audio interface? Behringer’s UMC line is a mix of both good and cheap. Make sure you get the UMC series which has Midas-ish pre-amps and not the UM series with the Xenex pre-amps. Depending on your needs, they have units with up to 8 combo XLR inputs. All do multiple mono outputs over USB

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Flow $4.99

Contact Info:, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

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MyMac Podcast 718: That’s a lot of zeros

Guy falls asleep when he could have been podcasting so they record on his wife’s birthday instead because how could THAT go wrong? They toss about Apple’s trillion dollar worth and why it hasn’t also made them rich and Cupertino being all fussed because Apple made money and they want some of it. Also, why NOT make a Hyperloop transportation system that goes 800MPH through residential neighborhoods?

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Gaz: Weekly News snippets It’s all about the numbers, so much news around the fact that Apple are doomed, no seriously!!

Guy stuff:

Recode says Apple is the first US company to hit 1 trillion dollars in value, but also warns that the second trillion will be tricky!

Forget hyperbole, how about an 800MPH Hyperloop?

Guy’s Pick: Not a tip but a question. Does anyone listening use Logic Pro to record their podcasts instead of GarageBand? I’m hearing lots of skips in the audio with GarageBand that I don’t hear while recording.

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: TIME MACHINE Come on I could say anything else could I?

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 717: The Team is Back

Guy is back from Macstock, though by the sounds of it he sat on his own putting his kit together and then packing it up. Gaz might have some advice for him  and they 
finally manage to be on the internets at the same time to record a podcast! What are they, effing stupid? A real menagerie of topics in the center section and a LOT about Macstock 2018.

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Guy’s Pick: MoviePro by Deepak Sharma $5.99. Allows for so much more than Apple Camera app. Adjust resolution, frame settings, audio input volume, white balance, and much more. Just trying it out now, but will probably be my go to app for Guy’s Daily Drive ()

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Skype……. Say it ain’t so Jeeeezzz man what just happened did we go through a black hole and fall into a Microsoft world of doom and destruction. No Discord its just crap, well for us at least.

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 716: Macstock 2018

A little late getting this out mostly because I was driving home, but it’s a good one! Tim Robertson starts us off with Silent Brooke, then it’s Bob “Dr. Mac” Levitas, followed by Chuck Joiner, and lastly Mike Potter creator of the Macstock Expo.

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Tim Robertson’s TechFan Podcast

Bob Levitas’s stuff 

Chuck Joiner’s MacVoices

Mike Potter’s For Mac Eyes Only

Guy’s Pick: none!

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: nope!

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/, GazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 715: Summer of Duh

Being the summer of duh fits RIGHT into the GMen’s wheelhouse! So many stories of the obvious and the inane because otherwise, well there wouldn’t be much of a show based on actual events! Motley Fool, Adobe, Subscription services, and new MacBook Pros that neither of us can afford round out the rest of the podcast.

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Motley Fools

Adobe new product…eventually

Guy’s Pick: Apple Notes. Free natch. Add all KINDS of things that you won’t have to search later for. And it travels to all your devices

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Reaxon

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 714: Hear us Roar-er

Gaz watches cars go zoom so Guy grabs Karl Madden from the Mac & Forth podcast to fill in. This will make up for when Guy is Driving to Chicago is a car going zoom on his way to Macstock and Gaz will do the podcast with someone else…maybe Karl. Technical difficulties wipe out the center section so they had to do it again, but this time is was better…which is not how that usually goes. Spotify, Mojave, disgruntled employees, and so much more!

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Guy’s Pick: If you’re interested in getting your feet wet with Livecasting but don’t want to spend a lot of money, try OBS. It’s totally free! You’ll need to configure it and it’s not always the easiest to use, but it’s free

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Cars go ZOOM!

Karls Pick/Tip: Getting Over It – $4.99

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Karl is claw0101 on the Twitters and listen to his Man & Forth podcast!

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 713: Unusual Expected Weirdness

A loooooong delay while we worked on some technical issues on Gaz’s side, but we narrowed it down to three things. Hardware, software, or the internet. So should be easy to narrow down from there. Speaking of the internet, Skype used to be awful, now it’s horribly, unspeakably, Micheal Myers kind of bad. Apple will finally use it’s own data for maps because that can’t go wrong, There either is or isn’t a brute force hack of iOS (there isn’t), and someone in Canada can’t figure out that scratch resistant isn’t scratch proof because he’s really dumb.

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Guy’s Pick: Magnet by Crowdcafe Software ()

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Pocket Run Pool. Little IOS game I’ve been enjoying this week 3.99for the unlocked no ads game.

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 712: Where are all the new Macs?

So where ARE the new Macs? This and a trip to Boise, analysts critiquing analysts, silly Canadians, and so much more! Join the GMen in a show filled with fun and nonsense! Woo and woo!

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Guy’s Pick: Growly Backgammon FREE!

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: OnyX still useful on the Mac especially if you like tinkering.

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 711: A watch a watch, my kingdom for a watch

Guy’s away doing ere stuff! So this week Gaz asked Karl the Man Madden from the Mac and Forth podcast to join him for this weeks madness.

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Guy’s Pick: Nothing this week but he’ll be back
Gaz’s Pick/Tip: iStopMotion an oldie but a goodie 🙂 $19.99
Karl’s Pick: Affinity Photo for iPad – Also has a good tutorial app on ATV.

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 710: Wub a Dub Dub

So like nearly everyone else, the GMen Talk about the recent WWDC developer’s conference but with their own special spin. They REALLY hope you like spinning because this show ended up being much longer than usual. Gaz also has car troubles and Guy has trouble finding a car.

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Guy’s Pick: Ed Isen’s “This is the Light Side” book for Mac Users. A good guide for all those functions that new and even old time Mac users may have forgotten about. .99 cents 

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Pages, I’m using more and more on the Mac and on the iPad.

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Skype +1 Area code 🙂 703-436-9501

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MyMac Podcast 709: The Cost of Privacy

Gaz is away but Guy is still in the UK zone as Simon Parnell joins him to talk about VPN’s (and why some countries hate them) and data privacy in regards to the EU’s GDPR and the still being debated ePrivacy Act. And just general silliness.

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Macstock Conference and Expo!

Guy’s Pick: Acorn by Flying Meat software () $29.99

Gaz’s Pick/Tip: Not here so no pic HA!

Simon’s Pick/Tip: ProtonVPN native Mac/Windows client apps

Contact Info:, MacParrot on Twitter/ Gaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGazon Twitter/

Simon: Serenak on Twitter and one of the hosts of the Essential Apple Podcast

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