MyMac Podcast 642: Appfus for all!

Appfus? What the heck is Appfus? Sounds like a yummy German desert, but it’s actually something that will affect every Mac and iOS user very soon. Listen in while the GMen say things that may (or may not) be a topic of importance! No, we won’t make a regular habit of that. Also Guy gets taken to task for something said in a previous show.

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Guy’s Pick: Studio One DAW by Presonus. 3 versions available (one free but limited). I bought the “Artist” version ($99) and may incorporate that into the podcast instead of GarageBand.
Gaz’s Pick: iCloud I love the use between platforms, sad I know but true.

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MyMac Podcast 641: Crashing Moonshot

Who doesn’t love to hear about failure? The Men talk about some of the biggest failures to come out of Apple and Google (mostly Google) and are serenaded by a Wookie. Well it sounded like one anyway

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Crashing Moonshot
Failed Google products/projects
Social Media: Google+/Friend Connect/Buzz/Orkut/Dodgeball
Google Answers (Live answers from real people)
Google Catalog (Digitized catalogs)
Google Video (YouTube competitor)
iGoogle (Customizable homepage)
Google Reader (RSS aggregator)
Google Notebook
Google Page Creator (make web pages filled with Google goodness!)
Jaiku (microblog service)
Google Lively (Second Life clone that no one asked for)
Google Health (Because they’re SO good at securing your privacy)
Google Wave (Instant messaging and social media service)

Failed Apple Services

Guy’s Pick: Knox KN-UM01 USB/XLR Microphone $39.99.
Gaz’s Pick: Great Time zone aid or the IOS App is at I quite like this one nice and easy to use and understand.

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MyMac Podcast 640: Still Happy about the Mac…Mostly

The GMen are “generally” happy about the state of Apple but wish someone other than Tim Cook would be the speaker of new stuff. Lots of feedback and Karl Madden SINGS! Notice how I made it sound like that’s a GOOD thing.

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I’d love to be:- 1 Reason to Be Excited About Apple Inc.’s 2018 iMac Lineup
And Tim says we love the Mac (well not directly he didn’t).

Phil Schiller explains (defends) why the Mac Book Pro is limited (keeping costs down) to 16 GB
First impressions were wrong

Guy’s Pick: Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare $19.99 at the Mac App Store. A fun shoot em up.
Gaz’s Pick: The compass App with added tip L:)

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MyMac Podcast 639: FakenewsBlitzaggenTrumpocolypsegate

A weird show with a weird title that we have a terrible time pronouncing. We’ve got articles from MyMac and all over the Apple web since Apple can’t apparently make anything new for us to talk about. Like iPhone production reduction, Tim’s visit to Wall Street, Apple sued for driver stupidity, and AirPods condoms!

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Apple Reducing iPhone Production by 10%
So did Tim visit the stock exchange to reassure investors knowing what was happening re the 10% iPhone drop?
AirPods a runaway success…. Not for me they’re not!
This isn’t new we are just confirming, it happens every year from memory
Apple sued over a driver using FaceTime in a fatal accident

Guy’s Pick: Animationist by Synium Software. Currently $24.99 at the Mac App Store. Fun way to create text and logo animations. Pick your size, text, pictures and have them zoom all over the place like a Bad Robot logo before a Star Trek movie.
Gaz’s Pick: SpaceTeam a fun collaborative team game, a great hoot 🙂 Free with in App purchases.

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MyMac Podcast 638: New Year, Same GMen

It’s a new year and Gaz is back and Guy is…still Guy. They talk about Apple Cars, Mac and iOS not merging, how vinyl sales beat downloads in the UK, and Apple passing 20 million subscribers for Apple Music. Lot’s of other nonsense too because that’s what they do.

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So are they doing a car or not?
Apple hires former Porsche race car director for alleged ‘Project Titan‘ role

Apple confirms work on autonomous systems to transform ‘the future of transportation’

MAC OS & IOS Discussion
Why Apple Will Never Merge iOS and MacOS
UK vinyl sales made more money than music downloads early in December
Yet iTunes has great subscriptions!

Guy’s Pick: HandBreak is finally out of beta after nearly a gazillion years! Still free too.
Gaz’s Pick: Notes Used so much.

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MyMac Podcast 637: Merrapy ChrisHannaKwansmas

Ah the joys of the holiday season is upon us so naturally many people are unhappy because they didn’t or won’t get some doodad they wanted! I say, look on the bright side, 2016 is almost over and a more screwed up year might be possible, but I wouldn’t want to live through it. Another solo show, kinda short because Guy is busy! He talks about all the recent gloom and doom surrounding the Apple press because that’s SO festive!

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Guy’s Pick: Need to record a Skype Conversation and need it to be easy? eCamm’s Call Recorder not only does that, but has additional tools if you want them to separated between what you say and what they say. Other tools include the ability to encode it in different formats and it’s all integrated with Skype! $30 which includes lifetime updates.

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MyMac Podcast 636: Moving to new updates

Short show because there’s no Gaz, just Guy this week. Gaz isn’t here since there’s moving stuff happening. Guy talks briefly about the new updates for macOS and iOS and generally seems lonely (aww sad face). Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAZ!

Happy Birthday, Gazi
Happy Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Gazi
Happy Birthday.
Happy B-day, Gazi
Happy Happy B-day
Happy B-day Gazi
Oh yeah.
Feliz cumpleaños, Gazi
My dog says woof woof to you Gazi
My dog says arooooou!
Gazi, Birthday, Birthday Gazi
Happy B-Day, Happy B-Day, Gazi
Feliz cumpleaños, Gazi yeah.

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Hyperdrive USB-C Hub

Guy’s Pick: Tracktion 5 DAW free to download and use from They also have a version that you can download and use if you’ve recently purchased certain audio devices like say a mixer from Behringer called the T-6 and even their flagshipp DAW the T-7 can be had for as little as $60.
People’s (TIP) Pick: Clive Hammett. For those who are moaning about the lack of ports on the new Mac book pro, check this out HyperDrive USB Type-C 5-in-1 Hub with Pass Through Charging (for 2016 MacBook Pro & 12″ MacBook)

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MyMac Podcast 635: It’s 350 shows! Kinda


We warned you this might happen and it did. Some 6 and a half years later, the GMen have made 350 episodes since starting all that time ago and you’ve stuck with us. Again, sorry. Besides all the usual stuff, we read out all the reasons why you listen and frankly we’re still not convinced that many of you aren’t figments of our shared delusional imaginations. We think it counts anyway. Thank you Chris Leiter, Gerald Tevreden, Elisa Pacelli, Allister Jenks, John Nemo, Clive Hammett, Troy Muller, Warren Sklar, Alex Fox, Michael Lacey, Melissa (MacMommy) Davis, Karl Madden, Gary Apter, Erick Diaz, Andria Schell, Serenak, and Gordon Keenan for taking the time to write in!

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First Men show:

Guy’s Pick: Pages by Apple. Just not the online one which is good enough in a pinch, but the regular app is really quite nice for writing. $19.99
Gaz’s Pick: A free piece of software from the clever people at Objective-See that allows you to make sure your camera and microphone are not being used by unscrupulous invaders.
People’s (TIP) Pick: Allister Jenks I am so far behind on my podcast queue – the number is going up still. And there are at least two MyMac Podcasts in there. Looking forward to some hilarity.

Meanwhile I stumbled across a top tip.

Do you ever try to manually size windows so they fit together just like you want on the screen? Part of this might involve dragging window edges to the edge of the screen.

So here’s the trick. Position your mouse cursor over the edge of the window you want to align with the edge of the screen – top or bottom, left or right – until you see the pointer change to a double arrow. Now… double-click.

SNAP! That edge of the window will instantly snap to the relevant edge of the screen.

For a bonus tip, if you want one of the sides of your window to be exactly in the middle of your Mac’s screen – say if you want two apps side by side to fill the screen – just drag the vertical edge to line up with the iSight camera, which is always dead centre. Doesn’t work for external monitors, of course, unless they have a camera or other centred feature, but works for any iMac or MacBook screen.

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MyMac Podcast 634: It’s three weeks to Christmas

Will Santa put Tim and Jony on his naughty list for not delivering more Apple stuff? The GMen hope so because it’s so lonely for them at the top of that list. A cornucopia of articles from MyMac that they butcher first won’t help them get off that and neither will all the different stories they talk about later. Next week is their 350th episode so not much time left to say why you listen!

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Guy’s Pick: Loopback and Audio Hijack 3 bundle by Rogue Amoeba $125 You have to go to the Purchase page to find it. That’s $25 off from purchasing both.

Gaz’s Pick: This one’s just plain different.
I heard it on the Security Now Podcast it’s free it’s different it’s ere well go take a look

People’s Pick: Warren Sklar from the Mac to the Future FaceBook page says My app pick of the week is Spark email clients for MacOS and iOS. Just say it’s from Nohm Jemo.

MyMac Podcast 633: Airport Alternative Black Friday Christmas Trees

A long title for a short(ish) show. Apple may stop making routers, Jony Ive make a forrest in a hotel, crappy Apple deals, and Frankenstein loves Christmas! How can two men make a show out of such diverse topics? They really don’t know either, and one of them seems lacking in brains. Or claims that anyway

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The contributor wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s Pick: Those nostalgic for alternative live Batman movies should check out the Batman serials from the 1940’s now on DVD available from Amazon. Goofy fun!
Gaz’s Pick: I pinched this pick and am trying out this weekend DashCam™ this turns your iPhone into a Dashcam for your car. It’s free and no knapp purchases (as far as I can see)

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MyMac Podcast 632: DongleGate

Just when you thought it was safe to listen to podcasts again, Gaz and Guy get back together. Oh Em Gee, where to start with this show. They talk about dongles, Sal Soghoian’s departure from Apple, lack of a pro focus with latest releases, iPhone 6 flickering and freezing issues, that bloody book, and why Mrs. G can’t get apps working out of the dock.

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s Pick: SimCity 4 Deluxe on the Mac App Store.
Gaz’s Pick: Sea Quest, a game to help research on er, no I shouldn’t joke research on Dementia

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MyMac Podcast 631: Dodgy Slot Car Guy

We promised or maybe threatened that we would get back to this story and so we have. On an otherwise slow week where talking about the Touchbar…AGAIN would just be boring, Gaz and Guy instead talk about UK Real Estate, dead people on Facebook, and used iPhones. Because we can

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s Pick: Ed Isen’s book, “This is the Light Side” .99
Gaz’s Pick: The Trail
People’s Pick: Clive Hammett Want a camera on your Apple watch, check this out. CMRA Combination camera and watch band

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MyMac Podcast 630: Tech is HARD!

Guy has a football game to go to (that American version of it anyway), so the GMen couldn’t find a way to match up the schedule. Fortunately Mark Chappell of the Essential Apple Podcast ( jumped in to keep that UK/US mix happening and of course the show went completely off the rails AND went really long AND doesn’t have a 3rd section OR after show. Most of it is centered on a conversation in G+. How did that happen?

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s App Pick: None this week
Gaz’s App Pick: Nope
Mark’s App Pick:

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MyMac Podcast 629: Distinctly Disappointed

What if they had an Apple event and nobody liked it? Well that’s not fair as there were claps aplenty during the event and even the Men are split over whether or not it was a decent event. Gaz thought it was fine, but Guy was not a happy bunny. Somehow or another even Steve Jobs chimes in…sure he did.

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s App Pick: Air Madness Challenge by Fluik for iOS. Fun little free game with in-app purchases for additional runways.
Gaz’s App Pick: Waze woohoo

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MyMac Podcast 628: Completely Unannounced Car Cancelled

What do you call rumors of a project never announced or confirmed being unofficially cancelled? A funny topic to be thoroughly explored (revoked and denied) by the GMen. Australian banks are all mad at Apple except for the one making lots of money off ApplePay, Samsung on fire jokes, a Drobo gets expanded, email gets fixed, a phone gets replaced, and apparently some new Macs will be out soon. However it isn’t confirmed and the GMen hate rumors…usually

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s App Pick: Hasbro’s Risk iOS app. FREE. Some in-app purchases but you can play solo or online. Some in app purchases for additional maps and such.

Gaz’s App Pick: Well I can’t say too much about this App but I’ve just seen it on Screencasts only and if you want to do multi video recording using IOS devices and Mac’s and integrate them cross fade well all sorts of clever stuff then go over and take a look at this App. It costs $4.99 in the US and there is a free app for use on your Mac. There is a pro extension which costs $2.99 and for this cost this is a great feature App

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MyMac Podcast 627: Taking Stock

Lots of little things that Apple seems to be doing wrong. Nothing major, but it’s enough to show there could be a problem. Guy and Gaz take a break from praising to wondering what the heck is going on? Also because there was no after show last week, this week it’s probably too long. Oh well.

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s App Pick: Also not an App pick but something amazing! Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders
Gaz’s App Pick: Not an app pick but something I posted on Twitter, it’s a live (well almost live) of where the wind is currently blowing the strongest on the planet, I just found it cool 🙂

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MyMac Podcast 626: Future Apple

Gaz and Guy wax poetically about the future of Apple hardware and probably have it all wrong. This has never stopped them in the past so why should this show be any different? Guy also has audio volume issues and is not happy, but again why should this show be any different?

Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s App Pick: Movie Edit Pro in the Mac App Store. $19.99.
Gaz’s App Pick: Well as I’ve hinted that we are looking at a possible house home I’ve been looking at Floor planning software
I think that the best I found for value and will do what we are looking for is
Live Home 3D $19.99 in the US store and £14.99 in the UK with 1 add on package for extra items which I haven’t looked at getting yet at $9.99 or £7.99
There is a Pro version which allows more floors and extras ways to make the planning of a building easier but I don’t need that.

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MyMac Podcast 625: Hurricane Apple

What do USB-C, Lightning Connectors, unnamed ARM processors, LuLu, the Archies, Siri speaking, and general tomfoolery have to do with each other? As it turns out, they’re all on this podcast. Doesn’t necessarily make sense, but it IS Guy and Gaz.

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s App Pick: Sandvox by Karelia software.  $79.00
Gaz’s App Pick: Loving the sharing capability and collaboration in (iWork) apps, and I’m using iCloud to share many docs amongst my devices, I just wish they’d sort my damn photos out 😉

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MyMac Podcast 624: Looking for Problems

More like looking for topics. Gaz and Guy have a great time talking about some of the problems they’ve had with the latest releases of iOS and macOS. But it still does down to SIMBL the White Lion errors. Oh and for the last time, Gaz did NOT release those Pippa Middleton pics so bug off!

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.

Guy’s App Pick: Handbreak a free video transcoder that works with multiple operating systems, will rip nearly any DVD that you legally own and is free. Sure, may be something out there better, but chances are it won’t be free.
Gaz’s App Pick: Arc Light
People’s Pick: Allister Jenks If I may be so bold (and cheeky), as to offer my own app for People’s Pick…I’ve been using it every night for a long time (I’m not the fastest developer in the world).Disclaimer: I wrote this app, and it costs real money (though not a lot really).

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MyMac Podcast 623: iOmess 10

High School reunions and other insanity! New phone for Gaz, lot’s of feedback, and a discussion about iOS 10 and a tale of woe with a happy ending.

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Long time listener and contributer Mark Sheppard has a GoFundMe page to help with expenses for his Dad and his health problems. If you can, please visit the page and give what you can. The GMen wish Mark and his family all the best.
Effects not working link
Stickers and iMessage Apps stickers

Guy’s App Pick: Acorn 5, the little photo editor and graphics program that could, keeps chugging away at version 5. New text circle tools and other additions makes this the perfect non-subscription based tool there is. Just $14.99 currently off from the regular price of about $30. If you don’t need all the complexity of other photo editing programs, Acorn is probably just what you’re looking for.
Gaz’s App Pick: iMessage 🙂

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