MyMac Podcast 557: It’s a short one

Gaz is feeling right! Guy is, well, Guy so we all know how that usually works out. They have a great second section topic is which they talk about whether or not Apple doesn’t seem all that concerned about their high-end users. The Macstock Expo is on the way and get $10 off the already silly price of $69 with this code, MyMac10Off

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For Mac Eyes Only Podcast:
Macstock Conference and Expo:
Mac BBQ:

Guy’s App Pick: Podtrans by imobie. Need to transfer a lot of content from an iPod or iPhone that you don’t have synced through iTunes? Podtrans works easily and is free for just transferring stuff. Need more functionaility? There’s a pro version that also does conversion and a few other tricks
Gaz’s App Pick: With the usual caveats that come along with an Angry Birds title I’ve found myself playing the series again, but one that I didn’t have was Angry Birds Star Wars II

What’s Old Is New Again – Episode #430

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Extra long show this week because Gaz and Guy had lots of important things to say…actually we just wouldn’t shut up. There were big doings though as Guy finally replaces his old worn out Mac Pro for a newer worn out Mac Pro but one that will run Mountain Lion and Gaz also upgrades his Macs to the new King of the Jungle. They take you through the steps they used and some of the pitfalls they discovered.

Some Links:
Making a Mountain Lion Bootable USB stick
Gaz’s App Pick: Star Wars Knights of the Republic £2.99 ($4.99)
Guy’s App Pick: Store News by Christian Kienle Free
People’s Pick from Macnatico: Angry Birds Star Wars. The name says it all.