MyMac Podcast #487 – Random Stuff

OK, so not a lot of things going on Apple-wise so the GMen talk about their FEELINGS. Well not really, but their kids did get a good going over with what they’re up to. Lots of great stuff from you guys over on Google Plus, so they talk about that too. Yep, Pretty random.

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Guy’s App PickArt Studio for the iPad $4.99 by Lucky Chan studios. Great art app for iOS giving you lots of tools and options. Used it at last year’s MacWorld Expo.
Gaz’s App Pick: At last this year Apple are giving everyone access to their 12 Days of Gifts App, not just a lucky few countries around the world. So my pick is the 12 Days of Gifts iTunes App, which you need to get the gifts.

All Googled Out – Episode #434

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The GMen are just blown away by how quickly the community has taken a liking to…well…Google Plus Communities and the MyMac Podcast one has been very active. SO active that a good chunk of our show talking about Apple’s iWork came right out of it. Not because we’re lazy…OK, we were lazy, but it’s really great stuff!

Some Links:
Gaz’s App Pick: Opus Domini Lite By
Guy’s App Pick: Blogsy by Fomola $4.99

People’s Pick: None this week (sad face)